from 0 to 100km
in 4 minutes

Even at low battery voltages, our system delivers the full nominal current. In this way, it reduces charging time by up to 30% in a voltage band from 150 to 920V.

cutting-edge today,
ready for tomorrow

Hypercharger technology is based on smart and modular 100 kW power units. Modules can be added as needed to improve charging station performance. And that makes it future-proof!

hyper is the
new super

Our 400 kW charging unit, which is 200 cm tall and has a footprint of 68×60 cm, is the most compact unit in its class and is also the simplest solution with its built-in cooling unit.


50kW / 150A or
2x25kW / 150A output power


100kW / 300A or
200kW / 600A output power


100 - 200 - 300 - 400kW
600A output power

hypercharger by alpitronic

alpitronic offers innovative, cost-efficient products for superfast charging. Our team of power electronics specialists has many years' experience ramping up and rolling out compact, highly available inverter systems with up to 500 kW power output. And the trusted relationships we maintain with key automakers enable us to deliver bespoke products tailored for a perfect fit.
As a supplier of aircraft DC charging/AC power supply systems, we developed a very agile supply chain replete with in-house production capabilities. We make the most of these assets to design premium, highly available solutions that can be manufactured with remarkably cost-efficiency. And as a player in the automotive sector, our technical support and end-to-end quality management live up to this industry's exacting standards.